- 1.
The class ARMapElement adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- setOnMapClickListener(OnMapClickListener listener): Sets the map click listener
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- 2.
The class AREffectView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- openPoseMixer(): creates the pose mixer
- closePoseMixer(): closes the pose mixer
- captureScreen(String folderPath): screen shot
ar |
- 3.
The class HmsAREffectView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- openPoseMixer(): creates the pose mixer
- closePoseMixer(): closes the pose mixer
ar |
- 4.
The class AREffectElement adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- setLocalScaleFactor(float[] scales): sets the scale of object on AR world
- getLocalScaleFactor(): gets the scale of object on AR world
ar |
- 5.
The class Location adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- Location(): constructor
- Location(Location source): constructor
- setLocation(Location source): sets position
ar |
- 6.
The class UAVRecordParameter adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- read(DatasetVector datasetVector): reads the record parameters from the video dataset
ar |
- 7.
The class Navigation2 adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- removeWayPoint(): removes all
navi |
- 8.
The class DynamicView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- screenShot(): screen capture
mapping |
- 9.
The class Map adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- SetDrawCADTextAsPOI(boolean nDrawCADTextAsPOI): sets whether to draw CAD text as poi mode.
- IsDrawCADTextAsPOI(): gets whether to draw CAD text as poi mode.
- setMapDownLoadThreadNum(int num): sets the number of downloading threads.
- getMapDownLoadThreadNum(): gets the number of downloading threads.
mapping |
- 10.
New AR posture mixing module: gnss
including classes:
ar |
- 11.
New video dataset module: videomap
including classes:
videomap |
- 12.
New class BubbleView2
ar |
- 13.
New class HwImageScanner
ar |
- 14.
New class BitmapUtils
mapping |
- 14.
New map grid module mapGrid:
including classes:
data |
- 15.
The class Datasource adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- mergeDatasets(String datasetName,boolean isRetainNewField, DatasetVector...datasetVectors): merges datasets
data |
- 16.
The class DatasetVector adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getCharset(): gets the character set of vector datasets
data |
- 17.
The class ARAnimation adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- setARAnimatorListener(ARAnimatorListener ARAnimatorListener): sets the animation listener
ar |
- 18.
The class ARAnimationManager adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- stopAnimationGroup(String groupName): stops playing animation groups according to the index array.
ar |
- 19.
New class ARCsvReader
ar |
- 20.
The class AREffectElement adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- setRelativePosition(Vector3 position): sets the position of AR object relative to its parent node
- onRenderableLoadCompleteListener: resource-loading listener
ar |
- 21.
The class ARRecordParameter adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- linearDelDupCalculate(List uavRecordParameters): duplicates-removing interpolation calculation
ar |
- 22.
New class ARVideoElement2
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- 23.
The class ARViewElement adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- setVerticalAlignment(ViewRenderable.VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment): sets the position of center point in the vertical direction. bottom is by default.
- setHorizontalAlignment(ViewRenderable.HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment): sets the position of center point in the horizontal direction. center is by default.
ar |
- 24.
The class CameraRecordControl adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- isUseExternalLocation(): determines whether to replace the position output with the external positioning
- setUseExternalLocation(boolean useExternalLocation): sets whether to replace the position output with the external positioning.
- getExternalLocationListener(): gets whether to replace the position output with the external positioning.
ar |
- 25.
New class ARTrackingStateDetector
ar |
- 26.
BubbleView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event): adds posture-touching listener
ar |
- 27.
The class EffectView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getOcclusionHelper(): gets the occlusion helper
- deleteNode(Node node): deletes all nodes from the node
- clearElements(): clears all objects from the scene
ar |
- 28.
New class PoseMixer4
ar |
- 29.
New class OcclusionHelper
ar |
- 30.
The class ARDynamicGeometry adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getCurrentClockwisePoints(): gets the point set that is clockwise.
ar |
- 31.
The class FlowElement adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- FlowElement():constructor
- FlowElement(String id):constructor
ar |
- 32.
The class PresetUtils adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- isClockwiseAroundZ(ArrayList pointList,boolean status): determines whether the point set rotates clockwise.
ar |
- 33.
New class PrjCoordSysParameter
ar |
- 34.
The class EffectViewRecorder adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- linearCalculate(String sourceCsvFilePath,String destCsvFilePath): uses linear interpolation to optimize the parameters of the csv file and generates a new csv
- getRecordName(): gets the name of the recorder.
- getRecorderStatus(): gets the status of the recorder
ar |
- 35.
The class UAVRecordParameter adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- read(VideoParameters videoParameters,PrjCoordSys prjCoordSys): read video parameters
- getDateTime(): get date
- setDateTime(Date dateTime): set date
ar |
- 36.
The class UAVVideoEffectView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- setDatasetVector(DatasetVector videoDatasetVector): sets the video dataset
- setDatasetVector(DatasetVector videoDatasetVector,String videoFilePath): sets the video dataset
- readRecordParameters(DatasetVector videoDatasetVector): reads posture records from the video dataset
ar |
- 37.
The class ScreenPointTool adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- convertToPixel(EffectView effectView, List point3DList): converts the coordinate set of AR scene to pixel coordinates.
- getScreenHeightPixel(Context context): gets the length of the screen of the phone
- getScreenWidthPixel(Context context): gets the width of the screen of the phone
- convertToPixel(EffectView effectView, List point3DList): converts the coordinate set of AR scene to screen pixel coordinates
ar |
- 38.
The class VideoEffectView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- setDatasetVector(DatasetVector videoDatasetVector): sets the video dataset
- setPlaySpeed(float speed): sets the playing speed
- getPlaySpeed(): gets the currently playing speed
- setMediaPath(String path): sets the playing path
ar |
- 39.
The class TrackingLayer adjusts the following aspects:
New interfaces:
- hitTestAll(Point2D point, double tolerance): returns IDs of geometric objects that meet all conditions.
- hitTestExAll(Point point, int tolerance): returns IDs of geometric objects that meet all conditions.
mapping |
- 40.
The class DatasourceConnectionInfo adjusts the following aspects:
New interfaces:
- getRequestHeader(): gets the set customized request head.
- setRequestHeader(String value): set the request head
data |
- 41.
The class CameraWindowRenderer adjusts the following aspects:
New interfaces:
- getRenderType(): gets the currently rendering type
- dispose(): destories
ar |
- 42.
Adds the new class: ICapture
ar |
- 43.
The class ARGeometry adjusts the following aspects:
New interfaces:
- getPartPoint2Ds(int index): gets the object of the geographic coordinate point collection of the sub object with the specified index.
- updatePoint3D(int part,int index,Point3D point3D): edits nodes according to index.
- deletePoint3D(int part,int index): deletes nodes according to index.
- addPoint3D(int part,int index,Point3D point3D): adds nodes
- resetGeometry(): resets geometric objects
- reDrawByArPoint(): re-draws [Point3D] passing AR coordinate
- isEdit(): gets whether it is editable
- setEdit(boolean edit): sets whether it is editable
ar |
- 44.
The class ARGeometry adjusts the following aspects:
New interfaces:
- isInPolygon_XOY(Point3D test, List points): if the point is within the polygon which composes of the projected point set of XOY region.
- isInLine_XOY(Point3D test, Point3D p1,Point3D p2,float tolerance): if the point falls into the linear tolerance range.
ar |
- 45.
Adds new class: AREffectViewRecorder
ar |
- 46.
The class UAVAction adjusts the following aspects:
New enumeration:
- SELECT: selects
- EDIT_NODE: edits nodes
- ADD_NODE: adds nodes
- DELETE_NODE: deletes nodes
ar |
- 47.
The class UAVDrawController adjusts the following aspects:
New interfaces:
- getCurrentEditLayer(): gets the layer associated with the collection
- setUAVLayer(UAVLayer currentEditLayer): sets the layer associated with the collection
- submit(): submits the current object
- cancel(): cancels
- edit_node(float x, float y, MotionEvent event): edits nodes
- add_node(float x, float y, MotionEvent event): adds nodes
- delete_node(float x, float y, MotionEvent event): deletes nodes
- getMeasureLineStyle(): gets the measured linear style
- setMeasureLineStyle(ShapeStyle style): sets the measured linear style
- getMeasurePolygonStyle(): gets the measured filling style
- setMeasurePolygonStyle(ShapeStyle style): sets the measured filling style
- updateCallOut(): updates the marker
- updateCallOutDecimal(): updates the decimal point
- getLengthType(): gets the length unit
- setLengthType(LengthType lengthType): sets the length unit
- getAreaType(): gets the area unit
- setAreaType(AreaType areaType): sets the area unit
- getDecimalType(): gets the retained decimal places
- setDecimalType(DecimalType decimalType): sets the retained decimal places
ar |
- 48.
Adds the new UAV layer module: uavlayers:
Includes classes:
ar |
- 49.
Adds the new class VideoDatasetVectorHelper
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